Fish and Game Fees





Hunting w/o License (Resident) $50 $100 $150
Hunting w/o License (Non-Resident) $75 $125 $200
Hunting during Closed Season $250 $250 $500
Hunting w/o Permission $1,000 $317 $1,317
Hunting w/ Rifle during Bow Season $100 $150 $250
Hunting w/ Bow Magnification $50 $100 $150
Hunting w/ Unplugged Gun $50 $100 $150
Hunting at Night $2,000 $317 $2,317
Hunting over Bait (Deer or Turkey) $250 $250 $500
Hunting over Bait (Small Game) $25 $75 $100
Hunting from Public Road $1,000 $317 $1,317
Hunting w/ Improper Ammunitions $50 $100 $150
Hunting w/o Supervision $100 $150 $250
Hunting w/o Harvest Record $50 $100 $150
Loaded Gun in Vehicle Management Area $25 $75 $100
Fail to Wear Hunter Orange $50 $100 $150
Exceeding Bag Limit $100 $150 $250
Hunting on State or Federal Refuge $250 $250 $500
Discharging Gun near Dwelling $100 $150 $250
Possession Deer w/ less than 3 Points $50 $100 $150
Spotlighting from Public Road $150 $200 $350
Hunting w/o License in Possession $50 $100 $150
Using Illegal Firearm or Ammo for Hunting $50 $100 $150
Using Unlawful Methods for Hunting (snare or poison) $100 $150 $250
Child Under 8 w/o PFD $100 $307 $407
No Vessel License $100 $307 $407
Violation Restrictive Signs $50 $307 $357
Boat Not Registered $10 $307 $317
Insufficient PFDs $50 $307 $357
Towing Skier w/o Mirror/Observer $100 $307 $407
Improper Fire Extinguisher $50 $307 $357
Reckless Operation PWC $150 $307 $457
Careless Operation PWC $100 $307 $407
No Vessel Lights $50 $307 $357
Permitting Underage Operate Vessel $25 $307 $332
Improper Safety Devices $25 $307 $332
No Emergency Shut-off Switch $25 $307 $332
Fishing w/o license (Resident) $50 $100 $150
Fishing w/o license (Non-Resident) $100 $150 $250
Obstruction of Operation $50 $307 $357